Mr. Chavy is the former CEO of Stallergenes, a global pharmaceutical company with leading innovation, provider of allergy solutions all around the world. Christian was previously President of the Worldwide Business Operations at ACTELION Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and member of the Executive Committee. At ACTELION he has also held the positions of President, Head of Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Prior to joining ACTELION, he was the vice-president, Head of Global Therapeutic Area Reproductive Health at Serono International and Managing Director of Serono France.
He spent five years with Rhône Poulenc Rorer as Managing Director of Rorer France and President of RPR Canada Inc. for both Ethical and OTC activities. He also has held Marketing positions at Bristol-Myers France, Smith-Kline and Merck Sharp & Dohme.
Mr. Chavy is graduate from Ecole des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) and holds a Master Degree of Business Management from Institut de Contrôle de Gestion in Paris (ICG).
Mr. Chavy is Chairman of the board of IXALTIS.